#1. FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器 - Yahoo 購物
FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器,FiiO,Samsung7270處理器;藍牙4.2/Wi-Fi無線連接;支援aptX-HD/aptX;LDA.
Fiio M6 高音質播放器完整盒裝及配件保固至2020.06.13 購買Fiio M6播放器.
#3. [隨身音樂]FiiO M6 Wi-Fi / 藍牙無損音樂觸控Hi-Res播放器(可 ...
爆肝工程師奇幻旅程之所有耳機開箱文] 輕巧功能強大的口袋怪獸榨乾解放IE80的全部實力FiiO M6全能型音樂播放器這個標題下完,後面還有什麼好寫的。
#4. 志達電子M6 FiiO 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器 - 露天拍賣
【FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器-支援AirPlay/藍牙aptX-HD/LDAC/HWA傳輸/支援電腦USB DAC/支援KKBOX.Spotify】. ○Samsung7270處理器○高性能DAC解碼○ ...
#5. FiiO M6的價格推薦- 2021年11月| 比價比個夠BigGo
FiiO m6 價格推薦共64筆商品。還有fiio m5、fiido m1、rii mx6、fiio m3 pro、fiido f1。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#6. FiiO High-Fidelity Bluetooth Amp BTR1K
Take control from your phone with FiiO Link · Explore a well-organized user interface with the FiiO-customized Android OS on the M6. · The M6 is also equipped ...
M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器. [隨身音樂]FiiO M6 Wi-Fi / 藍牙無損音樂觸控Hi-Res播放器(可當SBC/APTX HD/LDAC藍牙接收器). 2019/02/11│爆肝工程師 ...
#8. fiio m6購物比價- 2021年11月| FindPrice 價格網
fiio m6 的商品價格,還有更多FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器相關商品比價,輕鬆購物,FindPrice價格網讓你快速找到最便宜的商品.
#9. 【限时抢购】飞傲(FiiO) M6 便携HiFi双向蓝牙wifi无线MP3 ...
【限时抢购】飞傲(FiiO) M6 便携HiFi双向蓝牙wifi无线MP3无损音乐播放器黑色图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多 ...
#10. 購買FiiO M6 數碼音樂播放器| FORTRESS豐澤
FiiO M6 Hi-Res基於Android的音樂播放器,帶有aptX HD,LDAC HiFi藍牙,USB音頻/ DAC,DSD支持和WiFi / Air播放.
#11. FiiO M6(Titanium) Hi-Res Lossless MP3 Music Player with ...
The M6 is FiiO's 3rd music player that made on Samsung's Exynos 7270 SoC (system on chip) which features Wi-Fi, AirPlay, USB DAC, USB audio out and full ...
#12. FIIO M6-優惠價格與網購推薦商品-2021年11月
FIIO M6 優惠價格與推薦商品,提供FIIO M5、FIIO M11、FIIO M3K在MOMO、蝦皮、PCHOME優惠價格,找FIIO M6相關商品就來飛比.
#13. FiiO M6 無損音樂播放器黑色香港行貨 - 友和YOHO
飛傲 Fiio M6 無損音樂播放器黑色香港行貨. (2). 免運費 可免息分期. 已售出 <10 件. 詳情; 存貨; 有貨通知我. 本產品暫時缺貨. 限時閃購. 相關產品. 結束:23:47:58.
#14. fiio播放器m6-新人首單立減十元 - 淘寶
FiiO /飛傲M6無失真hifi音樂播放器藍牙插卡MP3可攜式學生款隨身聽小型. 續航能力強 ... 適用飛傲(FiiO) M6播放器螢幕貼膜鋼化膜防指紋防反光保護膜. 新品上新.
#15. FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器 - 美安
FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器from e-payless 百利市購物中心- FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器Samsung7270處理器;高性能DAC解碼;藍牙4.2/Wi-Fi無線 ...
#16. FiiO M6 Hi Res Android Based Music Player with aptX HD ...
FiiO M6 Hi-Res Android Based Music Player with aptX HD, LDAC HiFi Bluetooth, USB Audio/DAC,DSD Support and WiFi/Air Play ... Sorry, this item is no longer ...
#17. FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器 最新出版 - :: 痞客邦::
最近我也在找FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器的相關資訊~走過路過,千萬不要錯過!請參閱詳細商品資訊FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放 ...
#18. Fiio - M6 無損音樂播放器
Fiio - M6 無損音樂播放器. 此產品為原廠行貨貨品。 保養期: 1 年提供保養之公司: carvelink 佳領公司保養中心資料: 地址: 香港九龍深水埗長沙灣道158號協興大廈5樓C室 ...
#19. FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Wireless Music ...
Combining smartphone-like portability with audiophile-level sound, the black M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Wireless Music Player from FiiO is designed to ...
#20. FiiO M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器 - 數位黑膠兔Blackrabbit
MP3 #隨身聽#airplay #kkbox #聽歌.
#21. 【心得】Fiio M6/7/9的第三方ROM - 巴哈姆特
預覽圖最近在XDA論壇看到有俄國大佬分享M6/7/9第三方rom 目前還未有中文的體驗 ... 優化版Fiio Music 3.0; 改開機動畫、Android 10的深色主題及字體.
#22. 弘達影音多媒體Fiio M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器
弘達影音多媒体Rakuten樂天市場線上商店,提供弘達影音多媒體Fiio M6 高音質隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放器等眾多優惠商品、會員獨享下殺優惠券、點數回饋、信用卡分期0 ...
#23. FiiO M6 Review - Lifewire
Technically classified as a DAP (digital audio player) the FiiO M6 is a fully-loaded music player with features ranging from lossless audio file ...
#24. FiiO宣布推出M6:便攜式高分辨率無損音樂播放器
FiiO M6 為Android用戶提供了多種高質量的無線音頻格式,例如LDAC / HWA / aptX HD。 Apple iOS用戶可以通過便捷的AirPlay流使用藍牙SBC / AAC音頻。
#25. 索尼NW-A55對比評測Fiio M6:老牌勁旅VS初生牛犢誰更行?
在如今千元檔獨立音樂播放器中,不少網友經常將索尼NW-A55與國產品牌飛傲旗下的Fiio M6進行對比,今天我們也拿到了這兩款設備,不妨今天便來答疑解惑 ...
#26. FiiO M6 Review | Headfonics Audio Reviews
The FiiO M6 is a competitively priced Android-based DAP featuring wireless connectivity including WiFi and LDAC BT. It is priced at $149.99.
#27. Fiio M6 隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放
Fiio M6 隨身Hi-Fi無損音樂播放基本規格參數介紹主控:三星Exynos 7270 Dual 1GHz 14nm DAC:ES9018Q2C WiFi:2.4GHz 藍牙:4.2版本,支援LDAC,HWA,aptX ...
#28. Fiio M6评测为预算有限的人提供令人印象深刻的数字音频
FiiO M6 采用Exynos 7270芯片组供电,提供时钟频率为1GHz的双核处理器。14纳米硅与768MB RAM配对。当然,不应该将这种硬件组合与普通智能手机进行比较, ...
#29. FiiO M6評測:忘記你的智能手機,購買這款入門級DAP來播放 ...
那麼,在這種情況下,我想和你們談談FiiO M6數字音頻播放器(DAP)。如果你目前正在使用智能手機來滿足你的音樂需求,那麼你可能需要查看這個小型野獸 ...
#30. 支援WiFi 藍牙M6 播放機、平價USB DAC K3 與四單體耳機FA7 ...
Fiio 代理聿鑫在台北音響暨藝術展搶先向Fiio 原廠調借甫發表的三款新產品,包括具備藍牙與WiFi 的中階播放機M6 ,功能豐富、體積小巧的USB DAC K3 ,與 ...
#31. FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Music Player | aptX
The M6 is FiiO's 3rd music player that made on Samsung's Exynos 7270 SoC (system on chip) which feat.
#32. Fiio M6 性價比取勝入門級千元Android 系統DAP 開箱+實測
其實最近推出的Fiio M6 ,規格同價錢都比較合適新手玩家,最重要是支援Android系統,內置串流音樂App,吸引力相當高。究竟其實力如何?
#33. FiiO M6的文章和評論
來看痞客邦超過1 則關於FiiO M6的文章討論內容: 奇幻爆肝之旅的[隨身音樂]FiiO M6 Wi-Fi / 藍牙無損音樂觸控Hi-Res播.
#34. FiiO M6 - Review -
The FiiO M6 holds an Exynos 7270 CPU, an ES9018Q2C DAC, native DSD128 and it supports wireless WiFi and Bluetooth connection – the operating system of the ...
#35. Fiio M6 Review | NDTV Gadgets 360
Fiio M6 Review · The Fiio M6 is officially priced at Rs. 14,999 in India · The device runs on a custom version of Android · You can also use the ...
#36. [請益] Fiio M6 台北試聽地點- 看板Headphone - 批踢踢實業坊
耳機板首po,大家請多指教。 最近想要升級一下DAP,現在用的是M3K, 爬了一下文,發現大家萬元內都推M6, 所以今天去了公館加煒,但店員說M6缺貨沒得 ...
#37. M6 Complete User Manual - FiiO
Thank you for purchasing FiiO's high resolution lossless music player. M6. To let you better utilize the M6 to enjoy high-quality music, we have.
#38. Review : FiiO M6 - Headfonia
Out of the box, the FiiO M6 is as small as it gets. Sure, it's not as small as the latest Hidizs but it matches the Hiby R3's form-factor. The ...
#39. FiiO - M6 Portable High-Resolution Music Player - Audio46
The M6 is the third product from FiiO based on the Samsung Exynos 7270, so we are able to make the it as sleek as contemporary smartphones. And the M6 is ...
#40. blog - Review: FiiO M6 - Son-Vidé
The FiiO M6's software interface is a simplified version of Android that is dedicated to audio playback. Among the shortcuts on the home screen ...
#41. Fiio M6 Teardown - iFixit
#42. FiiO M6 Nešiojamas Belaidis High-Res Grotuvas -
FiiO M6 Nešiojamas Belaidis High-Res Grotuvas DAC:ES9018Q2C, WiFi:2.4GHz, CPU:Samsung Exynos 7270 | Nemokamas Pristatymas.
#43. FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless ... - 101 Multimedia
FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Wireless Music Player · 3.2" 2.5D Curved Glass IPS Touchscreen · 480 x 800 Native Resolution at 292 ppi · 2GB of Storage ...
#44. FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Audio Player - Black
Give your computer some serious sound capabilities. The M6 is the third product from FiiO based on the Samsung Exynos 7270, and the experience with the platform ...
#45. FIIO M6 Hi-Res crackling / popping - Poweramp Bug Reports
when listening to audio using the Hi-Res output on my Fiio M6 I have a faint popping/cracking noise in the background of all tracks, ...
#46. Fiio M6 - Portable Audio
Fiio M6. FiiO. $219.95 $219.95 + $0.00 (Ecofees) Free shipping with order of $100.00 or more. Out of stock. Fiio M6 Portable Audio Player.
#47. fiio m6 pro - Lazada Philippines
fiio m6 pro Philippines - Buy for best fiio m6 pro at Lazada Philippines | Nationwide Shipping ✓ Discounts and Vouchers ✓ Effortless Shopping!
#48. FiiO M6 DAP Review - Pocket of Gold
The FiiO M6 is the latest Digital Audio Player (DAP) from FiiO and the third in their M Series. This handy gadget is powered by a Samsung Exynos 7270 ...
#49. FiiO M6 Portable Music Player Review - Samma3a Tech
The M6 just packs the most bang-for-buck value of all the dedicated portable players out there for giving you access to streaming services for just $150.
#50. Fiio M6 | MALL.CZ
Uvnitř MP3 přístroje Fiio M6 pracuje na plné otáčky výkonný 2jádrový procesor Samsung Exynos 7270 14nm a rychlý chod garantuje i 768MB RAM. Zařízení má ...
#51. 索尼NW-A55对比评测Fiio M6:老牌劲旅VS初生牛犊谁更行?
在如今千元档独立音乐播放器中,不少网友经常将索尼NW-A55与国产品牌飞傲旗下的Fiio M6进行对比,今天我们也拿到了这两款设备,不妨今天便来答疑解惑一番 ...
#52. FiiO M6 - Reviews - Head-Fi
The FiiO M6 runs on an Android 7.0 platform with a full 3.2" touch screen 480x800 of resolution. However, it is not a standard Android interface ...
#53. FiiO M6 (Black) - Richer Sounds
Leave your smartphone for calls and apps, and switch on to superior Hi-Res sound, with the FiiO M6 portable Hi-Res music player. ... At the heart of this player, ...
#54. M6 Digital Audio Player | FiiO Singapore |
Shop for the cheapest FiiO M6 Audio Player in Singapore on with local warranty! | Singapore's largest specialised online store for original ...
#55. fiio播放器- PChome線上購物
入門款~全新升級上市FiiO M3 Pro 觸控型HiFi無損音樂播放器○ 搭載x1000e cpu處理器○ 內建es9218p dac解碼晶片○ 無損音樂多格式支援○ 支援異步usb dac usb audio ...
#56. FiiO M6 MP3 Player - DB Electronics
FiiO M6 MP3 Music Player with HiFi Bluetooth KOSHER Version, Wifi Video and App Install Blocked, aptX HD/LDAC, USB Audio Exynos 7270 (Dual-core 1GHz 14nm) ...
#57. FiiO on Twitter: "#FiiO #M6 Hi-Res Lossless Music Player is ...
Samsung Exynos 7270+ESS Sabre 9018Q2C The M6 is FiiO's 3rd product made on Exynos 7270, so we make it as sleek as smartphones.
#58. Panzerglas für FiiO M6 versandkostenfrei bestellen
Entdecken Sie Panzerglas für FiiO M6 bei schutzfolien24 | schnelle, versandkostenfreie Lieferung ✓ 7 Mio. zufriedene Kunden ✓ sicher bezahlen.
#59. 介绍:FiiO M6到底好不好?功能多吗?存在什么明显的短板
FiiO M6 怎么样?功能够多吗?存在什么明显的短板。FiiO M6功能算多的,媒体口碑都不错,而且价位合理,更重要是样式小巧,还是很靠谱的。
#60. FiiO introduces the M6, a new High Resolution lossless Music ...
The M6 is the first player to feature FiiO Link capabilities via the FiiO Music App.
#61. FiiO M6開箱&簡單評價(香討特別版) - 香港討論區
特別之處在於加咗幾張用blackberry Q10影嘅相。為追求更差嘅拍攝效果,連補光燈都慳翻,特登用咗3分鐘補拍呢幾張相。) 話說17年9月嗰時FiiO其中一個 ...
#62. FiiO M6 Hi-Res Lossless MP3 Music Player with HiFi Bluetooth
FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Wireless Music Player. Combining smartphone-like portability with audiophile-level sound, theblack M6 Portable ...
#63. 飞傲m6播放器评测_什么值得买 - 社区
HIFI 篇八:飞傲M6无损播放器:好用不贵,自带惊喜 ... 其实我最关心的还是M6蓝牙音质的表现,因为我一直认为任何HiFi设备归根到底还是 ... FiiO/飞傲.
#64. shop makes buying and selling FiiO M6 Portable High ...
FiiO M6 Portable High-Resolution Lossless Wireless Music Player. Powering all of this audio power is the Samsung Exynos 7270 processor and ESS SABRE 9018Q2C ...
#65. User manual FiiO M6 (English - 28 pages)
Manual FiiO M6. View the FiiO M6 manual for free or ask your question to other FiiO M6 owners.
#66. Odtwarzacz mp3 FiiO M6 2GB czarny - Ceneo
Odtwarzacz mp3 FiiO M6 2GB czarny - od 699,00 zł, porównanie cen w 1 sklepach. Zobacz inne Odtwarzacze mp3 i mp4, najtańsze i najlepsze oferty, opinie.
#67. FiiO M6 - Small size, Big sound - Soundnews
Disclaimer : The FiiO M6 was sent to us free of charge in exchange for our honest review. We thank FiiO for that! For me newest addition to ...
#68. Is Fiio M6 MQA CAPABLE - USB DAC - Audirvana
Hi. I´m using a Fiio M6 as an external DAC, connected to my Mac Mini late 2014, running MacOS Big Sur, through USB. Settings: I selected my Fiio M6 as an ...
#69. Fiio M6 review: an impressive digital audio player for those on ...
We recently got the FiiO M6 digital audio player in our labs. However, with a price tag of Rs 14,990 – at which you can get a capable smartphone ...
#70. FiiO M6 - MP3 és MP4 lejátszó - Árukereső.hu
FiiO M6 MP3 lejátszó vásárlás: FiiO M6 árak összehasonlítása, FiiO M6 akció! MP3 és MP4 lejátszó boltok, képek. Olcsó FiiO M6 MP3, MP4 lejátszó leírások, ...
#71. FiiO M6 Bluetooth Hi-Res Music Player with aptX HD, LDAC ...
FiiO M6 Bluetooth hi-res music player lets you enjoy lossless music, and it also supports WiFi music streaming. Let's keep checking if you ...
#72. FiiO unveils M6 | Porta-Fi™
FiiO unveils M6 ... Embracing the wireless HiFi era, FiiO has unveiled its final product for 2018. The FiiO M6 Hi-Res Lossless Music Player.
#73. FiiO M6 Digital Audio Player Review
The FiiO M6 is using the same DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) that you can find inside the FiiO M7. It is the same ES9018Q2C chip of the ...
#74. [ROM] WETA Rom for FiiO M6 DAP [1.00][21Apr] | XDA Forums
The main intention for building this rom was to give the FiiO M6 a little more room to move. The minimal amount of ram really hinders the ...
#75. Taking a look at the FiiO M6 - Headphonesty
People who are looking for a portable player (DAP) now have a new consideration. FiiO recently released the FiiO M6 – a Android-based music ...
#76. FiiO M6 High Resolution Music Player Review - Major HiFi
FiiO M6 High Resolution Music Player Review: Don't let its cuteness fool you. This little thing stores a tons of music and can stream too.
#77. FiiO M6開箱&簡單評價- 電腦領域HKEPC Hardware
2019-1-6 00:59話說17年9月嗰時FiiO其中一個高層喺微博話FiiO準備出翻部“全面屏”DAP,不過等咗半年都冇聲氣,諗住佢可能cut咗呢個項目,點知1 ...
#78. FiiO M6 FIO-M6-B [2GB] 価格比較
24bit/192kHzまでのPCMデータのほか、5.6MHzのDSDデータのネイティブ再生が可能なハイレゾ対応デジタルオーディオプレーヤー。FiiO M6 FIO-M6-B [2GB]の最安値を見つけ ...
#79. FiiO M6 review - DAP - Audio Monkeys
Read our FiiO M6 review and impressions, proudly brought to you by Audio Monkeys in our DAP section.
#80. 平價USB DAC K3 與四單體耳機FA7 明年初在台上市
Fiio 代理聿鑫在台北音響暨藝術展搶先向Fiio 原廠調借甫發表的三款新產品,包括具備藍牙與WiFi 的中階播放機M6 ,功能豐富、體積小巧的USB DAC K3 ...
#81. FiiO M6 DAP : r/headphones - Reddit
The DAC in the FiiO M6 is of high enough quality that I can't hear much of a difference between it and my S8+, but the output impedance is such ...
#82. Reproductor Fiio DAP Hi-Res M6 - DSD
Reproductor de alta fidelidad Fiio M6 - Wifi - Inalambrico -Hi Res- DSD / 24/192 kHz DAP HIFI DAC/USB Bluetooth 4.2 Algunas Caracteristicas: - Exynos 7270 ...
#83. FiiO M6: el reproductor DAP más avanzado del momento
Del MP3 al reproductor Hi-Res. Hace más de 20 años se lanzó el primer reproductor MP3 y, lejos de quedarse desfasado, está de vuelta en este FiiO M6. Eso ...
#84. Fiio M7k Vs M7
Fiio M7k Vs M7. it: Vs M6 Reddit Fiio M7. M9 M7/M7K M6 M5 M3K X7MKII. ส่วนลด 3,000 บาท (47%) ถึง 29 ต. bESXi ½with ˆ †hòecom‡@d…qor„Ù€@llow ñreason„7'_'_'R' ...
#85. FiiO M6 Reproductor de Música Hi-Res - TC gadget
Use FiiO Link para controlar el M6 desde su teléfono inteligente compatible con Bluetooth, u opere directamente el M6 a través de su pantalla táctil de vidrio ...
#86. Fiio Tidal Apk - Workzone Generator For Sale
The M6 is FiiO's 3rd music player that made on Samsung's Exynos 7270 SoC (system on chip) which features Wi-Fi, AirPlay, USB DAC, USB audio out and full ...
#87. FiiO M6 High Resolution Digital FLAC Music Player ...
New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found ...
#88. Cs43131 vs es9038q2m - Harveys OS
Fiio X5 3rdで使用されることでも注目されている、話題のDACチップである旭化成エレクトロニクスのAK4490。 ... Check the Fiio M6 Music Player on Amazon.
#89. FiiO (FiiO Electronics Technology) x7 x5 x3 x1 m3
Page d'accueil ( · Page de téléchargement ( Catégories de matériel associées à FiiO ... 23/05/20 M6 (firmware 1.0.4)
#90. KZ ZEX Black - KZ Audio - Do uší - Sluchátka -
MEE audio M6 PRO 2nd Clear Wireless Combo. Skladem, v úterý 23. 11. u vás. 2 290 Kč 1 990 Kč. Do košíku. Porovnat. Sleva -8% ...
#91. Ruizu firmware update
ruizu firmware update Developer: ShanLingDownload M6 Manual V1. ... Download the firmware from FiiO official website, such as “M7-ota-1.
#92. Cs43131 vs es9038q2m
Check the Fiio M6 Music Player on Amazon. 5 210€ Dac dual ES9038Q2M 245mw@32 por 3. Ayre QB-9 DSD USB Dac. 手机内置的耳机孔这个东西和人们渐行渐远后,与之 ...
#93. Vivo music player mod apk
Can I install the FiiO Music Android version on the M6/M7/M9: Music Player. May 29, 2021 · Neutron Music Player 2. Legacy mod apk Asphalt Nitro mod apk ...
#94. NIKE エアジョーダン1パイングリーン - 国際ブランド
... 櫻井翔 フォトセ 公式写真 ライブグッズ · ロングコート kbf ファーティペットコート タグ付き 完売品 · Fiio M6 Android搭載ポータブル音楽プレイヤー ...
#95. Fitpro mod apk - Site de Rifas Online
FiiO. An app based on the Bluetooth Bracelet FitPro app is intelligent ... M6, the latest consumer market approach by Fiio has caught huge attention since ...
#96. Cs43198 vs cs43131
FiiO i1 has NAU88L25. ... 1399-1699 zł iBasso DX160 2020 (dual Cirrus Logic CS43198) - 1599 zł Shanling M6 (dual AKM AK4495SEQ) - 2199 zł Shanling M5s (dual ...
fiio m6 在 [請益] Fiio M6 台北試聽地點- 看板Headphone - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
DAP (廢話)、
DAC (延遲越低越好,筆電音效卡太爛,所以是必須)
可以聽串流 (KKbox, Spotify...)、
Type C 接頭 (可以少帶一條線)、
藍芽接收器 (例如手機連它播手機的音樂)
現在用的隨身耳機是IE40 pro,平常多聽滅火器、茄子蛋等獨立樂團
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